25 December, 2004

Everybody Needs One

I have all this great new music in my collection and thought that I ought to make a mix CD for you. It didn’t take long for my brain box to realize that you’d never hear it. I stacked all those Doctor Who CDs up neatly in my room wondering how it was that I’d never given them to you.

Stevie mentioned you on Thursday night (more of which I’ll write about later) and I told him that whatever bonds we may have had had been riven in twain by me. He remarked that it was too bad as he liked you a lot. Becca then chimed in with her own, “Awww…yeah, that is too bad. She was really cool.” Stevie then asked if you could come over anyway to hang out.

This scene then mysteriously replayed itself yesterday at my brother’s apartment. I was talking with Andy as we were looking at some stuff he had downloaded. (His dad gave him a copy of the OED on CD-ROM. The whole shebang, not the Concise OED that I have.) and he asked about you. I told him what had transpired between us and he said that it was a shame because, even though he met you only the one time, he thought you were cool. My brother was in the other room but had overheard the conversation and asked, “You broke up with her? That’s too bad – she was really nice.”

OK, OK – I’ll have a scarlet A affixed to my coat and then hang out in the stocks on Sunday.

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