08 April, 2004

I Need Dumb Donald

Things are on course for a departure on Saturday. Just two more nights of sleeping on the floor.

I signed some more paperwork for the lawyer today as well as the realtor. The latter stopped by and took some photos so she can advertise the place. New homeowners insurance is forthcoming. As it has been from the beginning, the only variable is the moving company. I called around one and asked about the pickup date/time. Unsurprisingly, I ended up in a voice mailbox and no one called for 3 hours. So I called again. Got a seeminly helpful woman who said that we were still on target for tomorrow but didn't know what time. So she said she'd call me back when she found out. It's been half an hour and still nothing.

Dumb Donald is a Teamster. Unfortunately, he's just a paean and has no strings to pull.

"Somebody walk on my back! Ow! Ow! One at a time! No Teamsters!" -Krusty

I swear to fuck, my egress from this town is so close I can taste it...

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