04 April, 2004

Thinking Ahead

Looking out at my backyard, I've noticed lots of cardinals. Beautiful deep reds. There are also plenty of other birds that I don't recognize. I've also noticed that squirrels are conspicuous by their absence. (*Boris voice* Moose and sqvirrel) I suppose that this is a good thing for those with bird feeders but not seeing any of them scurrying about is just plain odd.

A few cookies have been put into my gullet and I've had nearly enough coffee to get me up and lawn mowing. Other than that, no real plans for today. No companies or agencies are open so they won't be calling me and I can't get a hold of anyone there. And, being a godless heathen, no church for me. I'm downloading an episode of Doctor Who right now so perhaps after I finish mowing and shower, I can relax to "The Invasion of Time". Yesterday I started writing a letter to my child. I realize that I don't have one but I tried to capture my thoughts and feelings about a grandfather he or she will never know. Maybe I'll work on that later too.

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