27 January, 2010

Best Acceptance Speech. Ever.

The A.V. Club is right - this is the best awards show speech ever. This is what happens when you live in Sweden and don't get enough sunlight.

UPDATE: This is apparently a send-up of Lady Gaga.


nichole said...

Thanks! This is good. Poor Lefsetz doesn't realize he's just thinking what he's supposed to think about GaGa. As are we all.

Skip said...

Both you and he have got me. I know basically nothing about Lady Gaga so I'll take your word on this. :)

nichole said...

Heehee, thanks. I've talked more than a few ears off, but I'll just leave this morsel:


The song is called "Murder My Heart."

Skip said...

Well, when you invite us for pizza again, you can tell me all about her. :)