20 August, 2012

Paul Ryan: Douchebag

Paul Ryan's handlers must be busier than a one-eyed man at a burlesque show trying to spin his comments now that he's trying to be vice-president.

He disparages the federal stimulus programs, denies requesting any cash from those programs and then, lo and behold, it comes out that he did, in fact, put his hands in that pie.

After repeated denials, Paul Ryan has admitted he requested stimulus cash even after sharply criticizing the program.

Ryan had denied doing so as recently as Wednesday, when he spoke to ABC’s Cincinnati affiliate, WCPO, in Ohio.

“I never asked for stimulus,” Mitt Romney’s new running mate said. “I don’t recall… so I really can’t comment on it. I opposed the stimulus because it doesn’t work, it didn’t work.”

But as we’ve now learned, Ryan did write letters. He did request stimulus funds.

Well of course he had to request stimulus money. His constituents were suffering from the closure of the GM plant in Janesville because of Obama's energy policy. Yes, he blames that plant closure on Obama despite the fact that it closed before Obama was president.

GM stopped production at its Janesville, Wisconsin production facility in 2008, when George W. Bush was still president, but according to Paul Ryan the person to blame is President Obama.

...Ryan told a crowd in North Canton, Ohio yesterday that the president's energy policies had led to the factory's closure in 2009. Ryan delivered the attack in personal terms, saying he had high school buddies who worked at the factory. "A lot of my high school buddies worked at that GM plant," Ryan said. "One of the reasons that plant got shut down is $4 gasoline. You see, this costs jobs. The president's terrible energy policies are costing us jobs."

But despite Ryan's emotional story, GM announced the plant's closure in June of 2008. In October of 2008, the date was accelerated from 2010 to the end of the year. And on December 23, 2008 the last SUV rolled off the line.

Now let's go back to his quote above - "I opposed the stimulus because it doesn’t work, it didn’t work." These days he's all anti-John Maynard Keynes. But that was before he was pro-John Maynard Keynes, as Chris Hayes demonstrates.

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His latest exercise in being a doofus is in claiming foreign policy experience by having voted to invade Iraq. “I voted to send people to war." Wow! There's a real resume builder.

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