31 January, 2004


Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)
That sav'd a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

Thy testimonies are wonderful
therefore my soul keeps them.
The unfolding of thy words gives light
it imparts understanding to the simple.
With open mouth I pant
because I long for thy commandments.

I had a deep dream last night as was wished for me. I don't recall most of it, only the naughty bit.

I went up to my parents' bedroom in the old house in Chicago where I used to live. I went to the the little cubby hole hoolie where my mom had a typewriter set up. I looked at the shelf above the small desk and there was a window which looked out into what I took to be the Austrailian outback. A herd of kangaroo-like animals the size of elephants was walking by. As the one at the fore passed, I could then see a male of these animals humping his goodly female. She walked slowly walked forward and so he did as well, thrusting all the while. The pair turned so I saw them in profile. The male had an enormous penis. I was stunned into humility. The creature then ejaculated. Gallons and gallons of its semen flooded the hindquarters of his partner. At the sight of this, I felt highly inadequate. From this, I awoke.

Today is going to be bad - I can just feel it. I have a court date next month for which I can only blame myself for having chosen to live with a doofus of a roommate. Then, this morning, The Caffeinatrix was quiet and unperky. I hate to think she's pissed at me for some reason - hopefully she was just tired. And I'm expected to go get drunk in Edgerton when, in all honesty, I'd prefer to remain sober. It is a sure sign of maturity - no, not maturity, but change that I like to remain sober when I'm feeling depressed. I think I need a hug.

I hope that everyone has a good day...

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