16 February, 2004

Don't Panic

Firstly, the plastic cover for my car's left-hand running light is broken. I have no idea how but it happened last night and I suspect Pete did it based on our parking positions last night. The only thing in his favor is that the the cover's shattered remains were nowhere to be seen in the driveway. He's too lazy to actually clean-up any mess so I find this odd. Secondly, my financial situation has taken a turn for the worse. So I'm pretty broke for a week or so. However, if I get the call I'm expecting this week, things will take a major upturn.

In good news, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy film has been green-ilghted and is in pre-production. The cast so far:

Arthur - Martin Freeman
Ford - Mos Def
Trillian - Zooey Deschanel
Marvin - Warwick Davis
Zaphod - Sam Rockwell

Aside from Warwick Davis, I have no clue who these other people are. Anyone out there know? Hopefully, the long-rumored casting of Sean Connery as Slartibartfast will come to fruition.

I applied for a job as an editorial assistant today. The job entails helping put together a science journal of some ilk. While the odds of even getting an interview are slim, I still hold out hope. Also, I applied for a job as a technical writer for a software company. Having applied there previously, I doubt that I'll get more than a "we got your resume" card in the mail but, maybe if I pester them enough, I can at least be interviewed. It'd be nice to get some more writing experience onto my resume. Right now, my life sucks eggs but I am hoping that by 2006, I'll have it turned around. At the moment, I feel like hiding under a rock. No, I feel like disappearing. That way I wouldn't have to pay off a friend's debt to save my own ass and wouldn't be subjected to the looks.

Love and linen sheets seem so very far away
You save your pennies and you buy another day
But after all it's only hide and seek, just another game
There's so much fun to be had when you're living with a name

All the best freaks are here, all the best freaks are here
Please stop staring at me

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