12 February, 2004

Watch It Separate In Two

I read this at the Fairport Convention website:

"Sadly, after 37 years of marriage Christine and Dave Pegg are soon to be divorced."

That's too bad - at least it was amicable. I wonder what happened. Presumably, Ms. Pegg got fed up with Dave's predeliction for a pint. And he's being forced to sell off his collection of instruments:

"Because of the sale of the house I also have to sell my instrument collection, which includes some quite prestigious vintage guitars. There are some that would be of special interest to Fairport and Jethro Tull fans or collectors..."

What a shame. And this throws any future Cropredy Festivals into doubt, although this year's will go on. I've wanted to attend it for a few years now but getting across the pond ain't cheap. However, I did get to see the Fairports open for Tull twice in the late 80s and on their own last summer in Milwaukee. That was a really fun show - lacking only a fellow drunkwith whom to dance a jig. (Well, as near an approximation to one as I can muster.)

Wow! 37 years. Christine must be an exceptionally patient woman. I can't even imagine such a life. But, after so long, they'll never really leave one another. How does that saying go? "Divorce is the continuation of marriage by other means."

I think that, after witnessing my parents' divorce, the divorces of friends, and my past relationships, I can honestly say that I'm commitmentphobic. Well, a marriage-phobe, anyway. The older I get, the more I see it as an outdated institution. It really isn't fair to ask someone to make such a commitment to another person for life. I'm sure most of us know an older couple that are basically married because of the routine. They sleep in separate rooms, the only time spent together is in front of the television, and so on. Could these people be happier apart? Hell, maybe in 30 years I'll understand that mentality and its attendant benefits but, right now, they're unfathomable. Not that I am in any way being critical of those who take the plunge, mind you - I just don't think it's for me.

There was an article in last Sunday's paper about widows/widowers who have chosen not to become involved with another person and not to remarry. The pictures accompanying the text featured smiling faces and hands clutching photos of dead loved ones. Hey, if that's what these people want, more power to 'em. I just can't see me doing that - I can't see me cutting myself off from other people like that, limiting my experiences like that.

It seems like the only thing I trust in my girlfriends is for them to trust in me that I mistrust them. I understand that people change over time and people enter and leave our lives constantly. I just wish my girlfriends would hide it better. Hearts will go where hearts will go but don't talk to me about the other guy. Don't have him call our phone so I end up answering it. Lie to me and then send me packing.

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