26 February, 2004

Woe Betide My Johns0n

Jesus! I thought I was watching PBS when I was assailed by multiple sorties of commercials so I punched the clicker to put on PBS and found that I was in fact already watching it. I feel old now because I can remember the days when there were no commercials on PBS. Unfortunately it's a boring night on Wisconsin Public Television as some Antiques Roadshow-like program is next rather than anything substantial. Well, I guess I'll watch C-SPAN as they're showing the lying, er, testimonies of various CEOs of media conglomerates before some Congressional decency council or other. There's Mr. Hogan - Howard Stern's boss - kissing major Congressional ass. It's sort of funny to see him acquiescing to a representative from Michigan in a low-angle shot. Again, the cinephile in me comes out. Mr. Hogan, no doubt, is extremely wealthy - he must be a multimillionaire several times over - and can there be much doubt that, as he and his company got rich, that they didn't think twice about the vulgar crap they put on the airwaves? Oh man! Fox's Entertainment President is there too. She is committing perjury! (OK, she's just lying.) She is sitting there feigning that she gives a flying fuck about quality programming, that she cares about any standards of decency. It's now a parade of we-will-take-it-into-serious-consideration's. My TV is absolutely bleeding sycophancy.

Here's a great subject line: "beef up the size of your johns0n!"

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