05 April, 2004

Oh Movers, Where Art Thou?

While my last entry was accurate at the time, it didn't take a long time for the phone to start ringing. First the funeral home called and asked me for my dad's highest level of education 10 days after they asked me the first time. And I got another "probably be available tomorrow" to add to my collection. The realtor called and had the assessed value of the house for me and even wanted to show it this afternoon. They'll be here in about an hour.

While this is all good news, none of it has made me feel much better. I will believe that the death certificates are done when they're in my hands. And the movers haven't called. Yeah, yeah, yeah - I know they told me that I might be called as late as Tuesday but I'm anxious.

One of the problems is that I'm a horrible multi-tasker. I can't grieve if I'm a stranger in a strange land trying to tie up loose ends. It makes me feel like Odysseus. But instead of Scylla, Charybdis, Sirens, Circe, and a Cyclops, I encounter a funeral home, a coroner, and 4 moving companies. Instead of trying to return to Penelope, I pine for MadTown.

Scheisse! I missed my opportunity to vote in tomorrow's local elections. I went to the Wisconsin State Election Board web page only to find that I'm 3 days late to get an absentee ballot. Fuck!

Well, I decided to list the house at the assessed value - $82.5K. Homes/land are so cheap down here - it's ridiculous. Especially considering that I'm on a lake. Technically, I'm gonna need my brother's signature but, after talking to the lawyer, I decided to make the call and just be the lone signatory. According to him, it'll all come out in the wash.

I just received an email from another moving company asking for an inventory so they can give me a quote. I filled it out and returned it right away as I have absolutely no confidence in movers.

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