29 April, 2004

Operation Mattress Continues

Right now, it seems like a really weird morning but I have no good explanation for this. But I suppose it's always a bit on the eldritch side when you're listening to Tom Waits.

For anyone keeping score: Operation Mattress Humping was a success this morning. As was my reconnoitering of Toad Hill. While it took longer than usual, we got the crossword puzzle finished. Business became fairly brisk so my babbling with The Caffeintrix was a bit limited. But most of the customers were regulars so I could chat with them. One of them was this blonde woman who is really funny. I offered her the botox treatment on Tuesday and she asked if I noticed how much younger she looked. Truth be told, she's very beautiful. She looks to be in her mid-40s and she wore this pink blouse that you could kinda see through. I don't care how old she is, her ass is so sweet, it'd make your eyes water.

The dogs are outside now. Stevie's brother and sister-in-law are in Arizona so we're dogsitting. I have no idea what breed they are except to say that they're these little yapping lap dogs. I mean, they're both friendly and lick your feet but, still, they're not real dogs. Sorry, but I'm just not a fan of lap dogs. But I leave for Minneapolis tomorrow morning and they'll be gone by the time I get back.

I watched Gothika and Timeline yesterday night. Timeline was pretty bad but I like the medieval costumes and sets. Gothika was mediocre. It was just kinda blah. But Halle Berry is easy on the eyes. One thing it did do, was to get me thinking about mental illness. I talked with Jeffrey last week and he told me about the book he was reading which concerned mental illness and psychiatry. Namely, how much of it is a sham. Anyway, I wondered what it was like to be mentally ill. How do brains differ? What must it be like if you're delusional? Maybe I'll have to dust off my copy of The Divided Self and re-read it.

The plan is for me to get my ass in gear and go pickup Marv and drag him over here. I'm gonna try out this BBQ sauce I bought in Louisiana on some pork chops. It'll be the first time I've grilled out this year. I'm supposed to have a Thirsty Thursday with The Pollack tonight but don't feel like drinking so I may just see a flick with Old Man Standiford - The Ladykillers. And I still have Intolerable Cruelty on DVD here and haven't watched it. Perhaps Marv and I shall as we eat.

Alright, I've gotta go check voice mail and then make some calls...

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