02 April, 2004

The Signpost Up Ahead

The part of the backyard that is without grass is now raked. It took roughly 10 garbage bags to hold it all but it's done. As I was bagging the leaves, I noticed a newt scurrying across the sidewalk. Going back to the leaf pile, I remembered that, at the bottom, was a layer that had been sitting there for some time. Then I started thinking that maybe, just maybe, there's snake chillin' in there. Now, in Wisconsin it's no big deal as we've only got garter snakes. They're small and not poisonous. But down here, they're venomous. So I continued doing what I had been and didn't change a thing. But the thought was there in the back of my head...

I saw the lawyer this morning and he went over some stuff and is basically just waiting for the assessment on the house and the death certificate. Hell, he didn't even sound like he need the death cert. Speaking of which, I called the coroner and asked him what the holdup was. He told me that he signed them on March 23rd and was genuinely surprised that I didn't have them. In reply, I told him the excuse the funeral home gave me, namely, that he had them. He then replied that he would check on things and call me back. That was at least 5 hours ago and I've heard nothing from him. I just called the funeral home and was told that they've been sent to the Health Department and will be ready on Monday or Tuesday. It's like deja vu all over again.

Well, this doesn't really matter a whole helluva lot because of the movers. I called the moving sub-contractor earlier this afternoon as I did not receive the promised call first thing in the AM. The rep there said that the originating moving company had cancelled the order. So I thank the woman and call the other company. I get Tina the Misanthropic Dispatcher who tells me that she was just about to call me. I find this odd as the other woman said that the order was cancelled last night. Anyway, they couldn't get the sub-contractor to ship for whatever terms the originating company asked and so the order was cancelled and my brother's credit card will be refunded in roughly a week. A flurry of apologies followed. This from the same woman I nearly started screaming at 2 days ago because of their fucking horrible customer service. I was never informed of any delays and they couldn't be fucking bothered to let me know that they would not be able to complete their end of the deal - late or otherwise. And so it was back to the drawing board.

After receiving this information, I was livid. It felt like I was trapped in an episode of The Twilight Zone or something. I have been here 12 days yet I do not have my father's remains, I do not have any death certificates, and no mover lined up. Ergo, I have only the foggiest idea of when I will get home.

I solicited some estimates via the web and a company called back rather quickly. The actual cost of the move was cheap - a little under $1100 but, unlike the other companies with whom I spoke, they did not offer any free storage. One night of storage costs nearly $800 which is absolutely fucking outrageous. I told the guy I would call back this evening. I'm going to try other carriers to see if I can get some free storage. Otherwise I'm going to be here until Wednesday, get home Thursday, and drive to Chicago on Friday. Then back to Madison only to probably return on Sunday to be with family as it is one of their holidays.

While I am no longer lit up with anger, I am still angry but much less so than earlier. But to say that I am frustrated is a bit like saying that some people got hurt on 9/11. I've been patient, willing to wait for people to call me back who never do, I've sat on hold for eternities, I have not yelled at anyone and, in general, been a pretty easy-going and understanding kinda guy. But I cannot guarantee how much longer I will be able to hold up.

Alright, I just enlisted another mover. The guy was nice and said I'd get probably get a call tomorrow with a pickup date & time. Now, I know I won't get a call tomorrow so I am counting on Monday. They are supposed to pickup between the 3rd and 7th so, in theory, I might not be leaving until Thursday. But I've guaranteed a weekend delivery and a price less than $1800. A weekend delivery means less scrambling for me and no potential of a major headache. I was quoted $1600 but that was based on a 2100lbs load and all the other carriers figured around 1600lbs so I think the bill will, in fact, be a bit less. Tomorrow morning I go get the fax of the contract, forge my brother's signature again and fax it back. That will cost me around $20. On the upside, the ashes are finally waiting for pickup.

I have $50 in my pocket right now and I'd be more than happy to pay for a blowjob right now and any woman will do. Doesn't even have to be a hottie. While waiting on hold, I snagged a nice picture of a topless brunette for my wallpaper. Nothing nasty - just a couple luscious boobs. I think that I chose this picture because she's sitting in front of bookshelves. I was also able to find a Monty Python skin for WinAmp.

Air America is pretty good so far. This Randi Rhodes woman is blatantly annoying. She was raking on NPR earlier. She portrays herself as a pissed-off populist and has no time for actual discourse - it's all bitching. I have no time for a Rush Limbaugh with tits. While I am a liberal, I am also an intellectual. (At least I like to think of myself as approaching one.) I'll take slow, deliberate discussion over histrionics any day. Still, it's nice to have more lefty's on the air, whatever their schtick is.

I really need to take a shower as I stink. There's no soap in the house but there is some in my car. But I'm feeling to lazy to get it. I just feel so beaten down. Just wanna chill for a while. I've got some tunes cranked and a hottie staring back at me. Need to gain some mental strength for another few nights of sleeping on the floor and of being alone.

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