17 May, 2004

The Company I Keep

Well, I got an update from Kias and it's a doozy:

"On May Day the Zupans played in the UW Atheletic Department trivia contest and won! As with all things there is a but...

They just so happened to have an open bar. Of which I began to drink myself into a full blown "May Day Gin Drunk". From what I've been told I was cursing like Chris Rock and offending numerous luminaries within ear shot. I also goosed this gal with a firm Finnish spring time love grip. News to me, although I'm not surprised. It just wasn't my crowd and I didn't see anyone giving May Day it's proper recognition.

I ended-up leaving the contest about half way and going down to Miffland. I got there just in time to have the cops attempting to clear the street and was given a citation for obstructing traffic ($71.00). So when you read the statistics, I'm one of them.

You are the company you keep?

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