09 June, 2004

Last Date

The sky is having a rough time trying to figure out if it wants to rain or not. I've been catching up on email and noting people at Suicide Girls. I think Miss Pamela is pissed at me because I completely spaced on letting her know that I wouldn't be able to make it up north last weekend. I'm just too capable when it comes to getting on people's shitlists.

On the plus side of life, my dad's house and truck were sold on Monday so I have a couple less things to worry about. Also, my date went well yesterday. Well enough to get a second one, at any rate. I have this feeling that I'm going to get more than I bargained for. I knew that her divorce was in media res and that she had kids, but I discovered yesterday that we are very much alike - eerily so.

The first tip off that something was odd was that she presented me with a mix CD upon meeting her at the cafe. That is exactly the dorky kinda thing I'd do. When I found out that it was her birthday, I felt bad for not having presented her with a gift so I bought lunch. It got worse when we quoted Monty Python synchronously in front of the waitress who had a good sense of humor - the Mr. Creosote bit from Meaning of Life. Early on, she demanded to see my driver's license as I had told her that I was alternately 17, 18, and 22. Joking aside, I am one who believes in truth in advertising, so I got two hoolies of hot sauce with my lunch. The hot sauce, when combined with the tahini made a complete mess. I had this pink goop all over my hands throughout most of the meal but she found it amusing. The geek in me was amazed when she casually dropped the word "transmogrify" in the conversation. To top things off, she revealed that she keeps a Live Journal and a diary at DiaryX.

It was just strange. In many ways, it felt like I was talking to myself. But a self that was much better-looking. She loved music, we had similar tastes in TV & film, uses big words casually, has tattoos - oh, the tats. She wore a sleeveless top so I could see the tats on her arms. One was of the sun which looked exactly like the Vantage Books logo. I know this because she pointed it out to me as I had a book they published with me. The second tattoo is of a bat hanging upside down with a dog's head - looks a lot like Anubis. She said that she loves bats. A cool quirk. And she has a rather prurient imagination. We were talking about how we both love to have gardens and to cook. I mentioned that a friend wants me to make tamales but that this would mean getting lard and masa flour everywhere. She remarked that she had suddenly gotten a weird image of me and lard in her head. I laughed very hard.

After lunch, we went over to the botanical gardens and wandered around. The first time she bent over to smell a flower, I got a good close-up look at her ass.

Baby when you walk, you shake just like a willow tree

We wandered up to a bush which was littered with small white flowers. She and I bent over to smell them together and she remarked that the scent reminded her of cookie dough and we referred to it as the "cookie bush". As we wandered around, she was laugh to herself. I'd ask what was so funny and she would only say that a funny thought popped into her head. She's goofy and that's a good thing. After sweating for a while, we wandered inside and took a bench where we sat and talked.

I tried my best to tell her about myself and she found my boast that I had once eaten so many crawfish that I got hives to be particularly revealing. What it reveals, I'm not sure...As I said before, I am into truth in advertising so at one point I admonished her that I am a bit on the nerdy side. I revealed my love for the never-popular Genesis, that I play Dungeons & Dragons - that kinda stuff. Yet she was unphased. She jokingly called me "moderately intelligent". Her phone rang at one point - it was her father - but she didn't answer. I dunno if it's because I was more interesting or she just wasn't in the mood to talk to him. A bit after 4, she had to go as she was to get her sons and meet up with her mother for birthday dinner. We traipsed out to the parking lot and talked for several minutes before she actually went on her way. There were many times throughout the afternoon when she would begin to say something and then stop. I tried to inveigle her to spill the beans but she wouldn't. All in good time, I guess. As we stood in the parking lot, she something akin to, "There's just something about you that makes me feel good inside. I don't know what to say when I'm around you."

Considering that I went into this only wanting sex, my mind was remarkably unoccupied with it when we were together. Instead I was just taken with how goofy and spontaneous she was. Sure, I eyed her up but I concentrated on getting to know this fair creature in a non-carnal way. I felt almost smitten.

While she was off with family, Stevie and I finished laying the shag on the boat. Once again, I got adhesive all over my hands and arms. But it's done! We ate dinner and I fell asleep on the couch while watching an episode of that series on the Blues. Again, I felt rather bad this morning. I checked my email to find that she had sent me a message yesterday night. I suppose that I should have called her. Ah well, I replied and she replied to my reply:
Dinner was nice, I didn't mention it was my birthday though, so I don't know what the free goody would have been. The boys had arranged for a Dairy Queen ice cream cake (with Harry Potter on it, cool), so we had that later at home.

Falling asleep on the couch sounds so nice. I slept in my stifling hot bedroom, and woke up at 4:15 this morning. That wasn't good. I'm a tad bit sleepy right now. And the whole "working for the man" thing isn't appealing to me. And I feel badly because I'm drinking a cup of Starbucks iced coffee. In bed with the devil!

Let's get together - Are you interested in seeing "Super Size Me"? I'd like to CD shop too. You know what else we should do together? Go to the Candinas Chocolate place (I think it is in Verona) a mini pilgrimage.

I just remembered buying my first LP. It was Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, I got $10 for my 10th birthday and I went down to State Street to buy it at Discount Records (which is now a Pizza Hut, I think). I really loved that album. And the really huge headphones I'd wear to listen to it. Remember those?

Okay, that is enough of that (I'm a prolific emailer when I get started). Please call me, or write me, or send me psychic messages, and we can arrange to get together sometime.
Soon. Maybe.

Cookie Bush
She likes Harry Potter, wants to see a flick I wanna see, is a lefty, a chocoholic, loves music, uses adverbs correctly, and is in bed with the devil - what more could I want?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:34 PM

    I've no idea.
    It was a really amazing first date...
