01 June, 2004

To Make Truth Together (Letter To A Friend)

Hey Miss Pamela,

I can be reached at:

Bad news. I probably won't be able to make it up to Elvira this weekend - gotta fix a couple laptops. I am, however, trying to reschedule with the guy to get it done during the week - stay tuned.

Things here are OK. Business is pretty brisk which is really nice. I just got back from a job a little while ago and have another tomorrow morning. With the crappy weather I haven't been doing a whole fuck of a lot outside, unfortunately.

I got a couple checks from my dad's estate recently and have paid off most of his bills. I keep getting statements from the hospital down there for the services they performed the day he died but they read "THIS IS NOT A BILL" so I dunno when they'll want their $500. I think I need to set aside some time and just look at some pictures and whatnot of the old man. Since I got back to Madison, I've been caught up in my own hoo-ha and matters of his estate but not really much thinking about him. Methinks I need to do so. There have been times lately in which I feel bad for not feeling bad that he's gone. That and I've just been in a rather odd mood lately. Not bad, just weird.

I went to the bookstore yesterday and bought an assload of classical music and several books. Got one about astrophysics which probes the nature of the universe and time. Got one about the early history of Christianity too, and others. I can't tell if I'm searching for something new or am just trying to clarify the thoughts in my head. I spent 10 minutes the other day folding laundry and, while doing that, I contemplated whether there was a meaning to life or not.

Yesterday I read the first couple chapters of that book on the first few hundred years of Christianity. The author discussed how the old Jewish attitudes towards marriage, divorce, sex, abortion, etc. changed with the coming of Christ. Things took a turn for the worse for womyn and there were groups that eschewed sex even within the confines of marriage - being chaste was how you got close to God. So I read this and then go poking around SG. That Morgan chickie is beautiful! I sat there for a while just ogling her breasts and kept wondering how anyone could repress their sexuality in the manner I had read about. I mean nature was so nice!

ape + walking erect - fur + more gray matter = Morgan, Miss Pamela, Voltaire, etc.

Come on! I kept thinking about various Christian attitudes that make absolutely no sense to me and it made me sad. Sadder than it should have. What a travesty to make sexuality into such a dirty, tainted thing when it's one of the most beautiful and potent bits of our humanity. It was weird to be gawking at a woman's breasts only to find that I was thinking mostly in metaphysical terms and not lustful ones.

Either I just think too much or there's something afoot in the old brain box.

So that's what's shaking in my part of the world. Wie gehts es dir? How's Bill doing? I hope all is well out east.

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