03 August, 2004

Morning Musings

Aside from spending countless hours pondering politics, I’ve been doing other things. My relationship with The Dulcinea continues. She seems to have come to terms with the fact that I’m not interesting in a serious relationship and mostly interested in sex. It seems that the mechanism her brain has used is “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”. Yesterday afternoon she called me and said that it was a booty call. Despite an urge to be alone and continue reading, I invited her over. Sex. I will yield to it every time. With her admission that is was merely a booty call, I expected her to leave shortly afterwards but noooo. I was keen on reading and doing chores but she lingered. She wouldn’t leave. I didn’t really mind too much if she hung around. But if I left her to her own devices, she’d probably get pissed that I was ignoring her. I felt like I was obligated to entertain her even though this meant not being able to do what I felt like doing. I’m happy to lie around holding her for 10 or 15 minutes after we have sex but there are times when I just want her gone. Leave me be. I am thankful for our flings – she indulges my every whim – but I’m on the lookout for someone younger, a nullipara. A nullipara with long hair.

I hate to sound like a total pig but I can’t help it. I spent a few seconds at a stop sign today watching a woman walking the other way. I have no feelings for The Dulcinea. I enjoy her company as well as the sex but I want more and something different.

This morning was pretty amusing. I stopped in at CZ ostensibly to get coffee but, in reality, it was to see Jolene and her long hair. We chatted for a while which meant I got a late start and didn’t make it to work on-time. No matter, though. The boss doesn’t get here until about 45 minutes after I do and I’m a lowly contractor who’s contract expires in a month. Besides, the employees here are always late. Obviously no one checks or cares.

During the drive, I listened to NPR. As I was sipping coffee, the announcer proclaimed that the CEO of the company I work at had resigned. Here’s a the story:

The CEO of the CUNA Mutual Group quit after allegedly offering cash to employees if they would break away from their union.

Mike Kitchen retired after the board of directors found out he had offered $1,000 to the group that wants to change the current union structure, News 3 reported.

CUNA and the union, representing 1,400 workers, have not reached agreement on a new contract, and the two sides recently agreed to a 30- day cooling-off period that temporarily halted union picketing.

Kitchen reportedly offered his own money to a group that wanted to set up their own representation. CUNA Mutual says the group declined the money.

The board of directors learned of the offer and after looking into it, asked Kitchen for his resignation.

Union officials said they are glad Kitchen resigned.

“Hopefully this removes a major impediment to the ongoing and lengthy, difficult negotiations Local 39 has been engaged in for the last many months,” Jim Cavanaugh of the South Central Federation of Labor told News 3.

Kitchen had been CUNA's CEO since 1995.

The company said Jeff Holley, its chief financial officer, will take over until a search is made to find Kitchen's replacement.

After hearing more news, I get to work and park my car. Walking to the entrance, I noticed a band of 3 gentlemen clad in green polo shirts approaching me. So, they had brought back the 21st century Pinkertons. These guys worked for a security firm who specialized in doing whatever it is they do during labor disputes. They hadn’t been around for nearly a month and now they once again patrol the parking lots. CEO resigns -- Pinkertons. Hmmm…any connection between the 2, ya spose?

I’ve been here an hour and am ready to go home. I’m proofreading Naomi Klein’s No Logo, a polemic against branding and its effect on popular culture. At least I think it is. I haven’t really read much of it. I’ve been removing the word “LIE” which an angry Usenet poster seems to have used to replace every instance of the words “the,” “of,” and “on”. Apparently the person is a right-winger who can’t stand anything in opposition to Faux News but also feels the need to post on Usenet. So he or she reached a compromise. Post but make sure you put the word “LIE” everywhere so everyone knows your feelings on the matter. Ah well, keeps me occupied.

I took a step towards publishing my first zine – I installed InDesign on my laptop. Now I just need some articles and pictures. What to put in there? I’ve got some stuff to contribute but I’d also like to write some new things. And I’d like to have other folks put in their $0.02 as well. Anyone interested in contributing?

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