25 October, 2004

I Should Be Reading

I got to meet Fred! While I was walking home, a familiar black VW pulled up and I caught sight of a hound’s head sticking out of the rear window. The Caffeinatrix and Henry were heading out to the dog park to let the hounds play in the last gasps of daylight. Billie was a bit jealous so she pushed her way to the window and generously licked my face. Got home and ate some leftover pork roast. I made about a gallon of gravy so when the pork is all eaten, my dinners will consist of gravy over toast. Well, that an gumbo. I have andouille waiting in the frig and I can’t let it go bad.

Weekend was alright. The highlight was undoubtedly getting laid. It was one of the loudest orgasms I’ve had in a while. After rogering The Dulcinea for however long it was, I told her to get her ass on top. I did my best to stop thrusting my hips and let her do the work. She said, “I want you to come inside me” and I did. It was a shame that she had to go shortly after that because I was left extremely horny all afternoon without her available for seconds.

My current read, The Power of Black Music, has taken a turn for the very interesting. All of the introductory material is out of the way and he’s laid the foundation of his argument. Now we’re into the meat of the matter – the music itself. Now we’re tracking the history of music and seeing how all of the material from the first couple chapters relates to music with which I am familiar. Sitting at Ancora during my lunch hour, I felt this great desire to listen to ragtime. The chapter was full of references to Scott Joplin and his “Maple Leaf Rag” as well as his opera, Treemonisha.

My reading was interrupted periodically by my grabbing a sip of coffee and ogling the baristas. At one point while I was reading, I saw something moving and looked up just in time to see the morning barista with whom I chat zipping by and flashing a weird look at me. I should introduce myself to her sometime. She asked me this morning if I was a student. I guess anyone who reads a lot is mistaken for a student these days. At lunch, one of the hot blondes was manning the coffee urns. (You can’t swing a dead cat in that joint without hitting a schöne blonde Frauen.) I told her that my coffee wasn’t feeling so fresh. Do you suppose baristas mind a little bawdy humor in the afternoon? There’s this triumvirate of blonde womyn there that draw my gaze and I think there might even be a new one. One is just interminably cute, one has the face of a supermodel, while the last has an ass so sweet, it’d make your eyes water. They’re all just swell in my book and just the briefest smile from any of them helps inject a little sunlight into my otherwise cloudy office-ridden day.

Speaking of the office, today wasn’t horrible. I actually had a fairly lengthy chat with BJ in which we shared our affection for dive bars. In addition, I met Ed outside for a square and he related some humorous tales from his days as a health inspector. Someone actually labeled him in a memo as “the spawn of Satan”. That’s quality humor. He wouldn’t let the meat from a truck whose refrigeration had gone out 2 days previously be processed. Instead it was taken away to be rendered and made into – you guessed it – makeup. So, the next time you gals are smearing on the paint, think of those poor animals who sacrificed their rotting corpses for you.

One thing I meant to do but neglected was to look up a book called Creating Shapely Fiction or something similar. It was recommended to me by Madison’s own Heather Skyler. I figure she’s a published author, she teaches writing – whom better to ask? I suppose I can do that tomorrow. For now, I’ve got reading to do.

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