08 October, 2004

Report from 1WW

While having a conversation outside with my co-worker Archie, the topic of card games came up. At one point, he described how bridge differed from pinochle and it occurred to me that the last of the old guard of pinochle players in my family died in July. I lapsed into a mental zone briefly and thought about how the days of great-uncles coming down hard on the younger set were over. I think it was Frank who chastised the harshest. Never having learnt the game, I can’t be sure. Humdrum thoughts on a dreary day.

I’ve been at work for nearly 2½ hours and accomplished little. I have resolved a couple cases and am not waiting to hear back from a few more people. It being a Friday, I think the majority of the state workforce has the day off so it’s slow. Very slow. No new problems have come our way in about 45 minutes. Since we’re newbie contractors, there isn’t other work for us to do. Our tax money hard at work.

Last night I was in the mood to be productive so I headed out to the Kinko’s on the west side to have an ID badge made as per my boss’ orders. I get there and tell a clerk what I require. “We don’t do those here,” he tells me. But, since they do take passport photos, I did have that done. When it was time to pay the piper, I told him to put it on my company’s tab. I give him the acronym as well as the full name. “The account has been deactivated,” he says. So I leave the pictures there figuring someone else can pick them up considering the office is just down the street. This morning I emailed my boss and told him what had happened. His reply humored me:

”I spoke with the Asst Manager of Kinko's @ Mineral Point in Madison this morning. Apparently, that clerk isn't too sharp. He/she read the wrong account name. There's a Paragon Realty whose account has been deactivated. The Asst Manager apologizes for the error - she is aware they made the error.”

Yeah, that guy was as sharp as a bowling ball. At least I got to stand around a while and looking over the brace of books concerning how to deal with bosses who are idiots.

Well, Stevie’s poker game for tonight has been cancelled. I don’t know exactly why as he never explained. He did, however, mention that it was all for the better as he’d rather watch the Presidential debate anyway. I think it’s safe to say that he is now officially a fire-breathing democrat. Not that there’s much wrong with that but he’s become obsessed with this whole election hoolie. I usually get up a little later than he so by the time I mosey downstairs, there’s coffee (if you consider Folgers to be coffee, that is) ready and the news is on the idiot box. Every morning I he greets me with the latest poll data. Before I got this job, this routine was reserved for evenings.

I can’t get the instrumental section of “Matty Groves” by Fairport Convention out of my head. Swarb’s fiddle and Dick Thompson’s guitar keep swirling in my mind’s ear. That album of Leige and Lief demos finished downloading last week and a few of the tracks have been in Winamp’s playlist since then. I really must get that album again. If memory serves, it’s been remastered and laden with bonus tracks. In addition to these, one of three live versions of “Hand in Hand” has also been a staple in my musical diet as of late. Two from 1985 and one from 1983.

I noticed a funny thing in last week’s issue of…of…of that new free weekly by whomever publishes the Wisconsin State Urinal. Core Weekly! That’s it. There was that article about that womyn who collects vintage erotica novels. (Should that read “erotic novels”?) While amusing in itself, what humored me was that her picture shows her wearing a Jethro Tull t-shirt.

I’ve traded a few emails with The Dulcinea today. Aside from any concupiscence involved, it’s made me want to listen to the new Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series. The third episode was broadcast this week. Luckily there’s Usenet so I can catch up in high fidelity. I wonder – are there any radio stations in this whole friggin’ country where one can listen to radio theater? I mean, it seems like the BBC has got that shit covered for the UK while our airwaves seem to be filled with bands of hate-spewing right-wing brigands and an endless repetition of Britney Spears and Outkast.

I might just make tonight a mellow one. Brew up some tasty coffee for a start. At this point, my interest in the Prez debate is pretty low and I’ve got a lot of laundry to put away. And it’s about that time - to put the flannel stuff on my bed. And I’m keen on continuing with my current read as well despite that it’s gotten a bit repetitious. It’s gotten too “War is this way and here’s an example. Now here’s a couple corollaries with their attendant examples. Rinse and repeat.” Still, it is an exceedingly interesting topic. The book is a quick read so I’ll get through it. Hell, I may even watch some television this weekend. Probably Bill Maher’s show tonight and NOW w/Bill Moyers whenever it airs. They’re not showing it tonight because of the debates. BookTV looks to have some interesting bits but I’ll peruse their schedule later.

OK, it’s lunch time and I need coffee.

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