18 December, 2004

Gilbert and Doctor…?

I settled into bed this morning at around 2:30. I’d been over at Dogger’s celebrating Miss Regan’s first natal anniversary and we watched the Special Edition of The Return of the King into the wee hours. So I get into bed and put on episode 3 of Doctor Who and the Pirates. Now, when episode 2 ended, The Doctor was about to launch into song. Yes, into song. And so episode 3 begins with The Doctor doing a Timelord parody of a song from Pirates of Penzance:

I'm very well acquainted too with matters of the Capitol
I'll give you verse and chapter on Panopticon protocol
I've been to the Death Zone and played the Game of Rasillon
With pestilential monsters I got a lot of hassle from

And then the pirates sing the last line as a chorus. Oh fuck, did I laugh hard. As it went on, everyone got into the singing act. I couldn’t fall asleep as there was just too much mirth. I just laid there smiling. As the episode came to halt, though, things took a sobering turn. You see, the show is about Evelyn and The Doctor telling the pirate tale to a student of Evelyn’s, Sally, who is really grumpy and doesn’t want them in her apartment. We find out that Sally was in a car accident with her boyfriend and that he was killed in it. And thusly Evelyn and The Doctor are trying to cheer her up and make her realize that the man’s death was not her fault. An interesting touch to contrast the extremely happy with the extremely sad.

As I said, last night was Miss Regan’s first birthday. It was a small gathering and, unfortunately, Jennifer didn’t show. But the Noyds did and I had a fun time chatting with John about music and bootleg collecting. Marv, Pete, and Heidi were there, however, and, after Regan had her bath and went to bed, the lot of us watched The Return of the King. I loved the theatrical version and, unsurprisingly, loved the extra footage as well. Also unsurprising was that I found myself still wanting to fuck Cate Blanchett. Aragorn can have Arwen, gimme Galadriel any time. The battle for Minas Tirith was freaking awesome! I had such a blast watching it on the big screen and a lot of that excitement transferred over to the small.

Owing to Regan’s food allergies, Mel baked a cake sans eggs & milk and, honestly, it was pretty good. Regan got a jillion toys and whatnot for her birthday. Lots of Dr. Suess stuff and this music/reading hoolie that was a little table with buttons on it that made sounds. Marv and I assembled it and proceeded to play with it by ourselves for quite some time. And it was fun to see Heidi again. She a hoot and, being a nurse, is happy to explain any and everything medical to us dummies in layman’s terms.

Well, time to get my stuff ready and head over to The Pollack’s for PollackFest ’05.

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