27 December, 2004

I Just Watched Oprah

Amy came over this evening and she and I traipsed around the neighborhood knocking on doors to solicit signatures. At the end of the day, we collecxted enough to boost her total to 22. Twenty are needed to get on the ballot. One house was occupied by a 75 year-old womyn who lived alone. Lemme tell ya, she talked our fucking ears off. People were friendly for the most part and Amy chatted with Jason across the street for a while. He and his wife are both police officers and he had some concerns and he expressed his desire to have Brenda Konkel out of office. After leaving his house, we came back here and chatted for a while before Amy went home.

Becca, Stevie, and I just finished watching today's episode of Oprah that Becca TiVo'd. I got not one, but 2 Tull shows today in the mail. The one from Stockholm is really great. The drums sound nice and raw.

I see that Tempest is coming to town! Well, Stoughton, actually, but close enough. I saw them last in 1996 at The Chamber and it was a fantastic show. Any band with a guy that plays a doubleneck electric mandolin is alright by me.

Crystal and I are going to catch cocktails this week. By the sound of her email, it sounds like she really could use a couple. And Lola has agreed to contribute to my zine. Finally, Miss Pamela and I are signed up for the Bondage for Beginners class. I am sooo gonna bring my camera for that.

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