07 March, 2005

So Begins a New Week

The first episode of the new Doctor Who series has been leaked onto the Net. The rumor is that someone at the CBC perpetrated the dastardly deed. It's absolutely reprehensible that someone would do such a thing. So I am not just talking out of my ass, I'm downloading the episode right now to investigate the hubub for myself.

In other news, the trailer for Revenge of the Sith will premiere on the 10th during The O.C. The O.C. is a TV show of some kind on Fox or UPN or WB or something - I dunno. Then, after however long it takes someone to take the recording and create a movie file of it, it'll be on Usenet and P2P networks around the world. Finally on Friday, it will be in the theaters being shown before Robots.

Speaking of movies, I saw The Jacket with The Dulcinea yesterday. Ostensibly, I wanted to see it because Onkel Fish has a bit part in it but I found that it was a pretty good flick. The first half or so was really good. It was dark and moody with this Phildickian thing going. Then it got all hackneyed when Joey Leading Man has to save girl. At least we get to see Keira Knightly's tits.

One of the trailers was for A Scanner Darkly. Keanu Reeves did not ruin it for me! (I personally think that we'll find out what happened to those colonists at Roanoke before we find out why he was cast as Siddhartha in Little Buddha.) Linklater has refined the rotoscoping he used initially in Waking Life. It's sharper and less nebulous and, to my mind, fits Scanner perfectly. Woody Harrelson and Robert Downey, Jr. play his buds and I just can't wait to see the scene where they dismantle their apartment looking for bugs.

I got me a copy of Steve Earle's latest, The Revolution Starts Now and I must say that it's really fucking good. Damn lefties! "Condi, Condi" is awesome - just blatantly catchy. It's got this reggae/calypso thing going. Harry Belafonte would be proud. I was humming it to myself today at work as I traipsed down the hallway. In addition, I got another package of CDs from my editor. Let's see...Drufiacc by a Norwegian band called Flukt, a polka album by Jimmy Sturr, Fiendhandle's eponymous album, and Oil and Water by Stephen Kent. There's a lot of reviewing to do.

Tonight I had my first lesson as a literacy tutor. Surprisingly, I found that I wasn't really nervous. My student, Alex (not his real name), is from Gambia. He came over here in 2000 and, although he speaks English pretty well, he can't read a word. Right now he's learning the alphabet and so, when we meet again on Wednesday, we'll keep going on upper case letters. We'll do that for a stretch and then start the lower case.

Tomorrow I have my last Celtic music class and will be at Fyfe's for a short while with the Toad Hill gang as it's Downtown's birthday. It'll be really nice to see everyone again. Oh! Wendy gave birth last Wednesday to a boy - Benjamin. Lush will now have even less time on his hands. And Miss Regan has begun to walk and even speak a bit as well. I must remember to stop cussin' around her or Mel will have my ass in a sling when Regan starts saying, "Dickfer!" Christ, at this rate, she'll be in college tomorrow.

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