24 May, 2005

Go Fish

Madisonian Dale Bengston will probably be put on some watch list as dared protest Bush administration policies. Disturbed by all the mercury in tuna, he sent Dubya all his cans of tuna.

Well, we looked at the numbers that the National Resources Defense Council had come up with, analyzing the EPA's data, and found that we really couldn't feed our young daughter tuna fish any more. So we cut it out of our diet completely, which is a shame. Both of my children really enjoyed tuna fish. And my wife got so mad about it she said 'let's send our cans of tuna to the president in protest.' So we did.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    If I recall correctly, the tuna was sent to the president in February, 2004. I wrote about it in a column in the Wisconsin State Journal in June, 2004. It's not clear from the submitted interview if they are are talking about another batch of tuna, but it would have been helpful to include a reference to when this happened. I'm glad they are still at it, though.
    - G. Hesselberg
