20 May, 2005

Suppose You Were An Idiot

And suppose you were a Congressman's press secretary. But I repeat myself.

Here's a good story about Bill Frist's press secretary, Amy Call, explaining why Frist's filibuster attempt in 2000 really wasn't about filibustering since, as we know, the Senator finds the whole concept horrifying and unconstitutional. I find this bit to be especially funny:

Salon: Which is exactly what Sen. Frist was trying to do in 2000.

Call: But A) not as part of leadership. And B), had it gotten to the point that the cloture vote didn't go through, we could have a conversation about hypotheticals. It was clear that Paez was going through. It was clear that Paez had the 60 votes for cloture. So it doesn't necessarily matter that Bill Frist -- I mean, if it came to a point where he didn't have 60 votes for cloture, and then Bill Frist was part of that, then you would have had successful cloture, and you could have said that Bill Frist [would have] realized that [his vote] was going to stop this cloture vote, and [he would have] stopped it.

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