17 June, 2005

Let the Co-Eds Decide For Themselves

The Wisconsin State Assembly has passed a ban on the morning-after pill at UW schools. Why? Why must they impede the female students' ability to take care of their health needs in the most efficient manner? You never see any of these "culture-of-life" assholes refusing to pay taxes ala Henry David Thoreau or in anyway protesting because their tax money is going for this:

But the minute a good All-American zygote or blastocyst is in peril - holy fuck! The fecal matter really hits the fan. Those Senators who didn't want to go along with the apology for the absence of anti-lynching laws - they got a chance to sponsor it retroactively! They could hate niggers all they wanted but were still given the chance to save face and fool people with half-truths about them having sponsored the hoolie. And now these culture-of-lifers are given the same chance. Look, your *Golem voice* precious Dubya */Golem voice* was wrong about WMDs. Wrong about Iraq's ties to Al Queda. We were lied to and now you have the chance here to be against a war. A fucking war! And do they speak out against it? No. How much more culture-of-lifey can you get than denouncing a war?! And it's not just little Iraqi boys who are dying because their heads have been blown open. It's our people too.

Look! It's good old American men & women getting killed! War is an equal opportunity killer. It doesn't give a fuck if you're a Jew or a Christian or a Muslim; a man or a woman or a hermaphrodite or a transsexual; straight or gay or bi or asexual; young or old. Unlike culture-of-lifers, war doesn't discriminate. Isn't it obvious that Bush has lied about his motives for going to war? How much more clear a picture do you people need of our president sitting at the excuses smorgasbord with Dick Cheney standing next to him with his chef's hat on holding another hotel pan full of bullshit? (For any non-Midwesterners, smorgasbord = buffet.) I don't know what's worse: a person who says that an ancient Middle Eastern fairy tale deity talks to him and tells him to wage war or the millions of people who eat that shit up like breakfast cereal.

This whole rigamarole about banning morning after pills at the UW is just another rung up the ladder for outlawing birth control and abortion completely. The government should keep its paws out of it. Not only are these issues about autonomy, they're also about best practice. Who knows more about planning for your family - Joey Pro-Life Politician or you? Who knows more about pregnancy, child-birth, etc. - men or women? Women. Sure, a nullipara is just as ignorant as a guy who has never been a father before about such matters but the nanosecond she finds out she's pregnant, her knowledge quotient in such matters skyrockets through the roof, unlike his. I don't ask my mechanic to fix my computer and he doesn't ask me to fix his car. Let those with the knowledge decide how to best accomplish something. Being pregnant doesn't make you a good politician and being a politician sure as shit doesn't give you any insight into the planning of anyone's family except your own.

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