16 June, 2005

Midnight Magic Party

While I'm not the biggest Harry Potter fan on the face of the planet, I still think it would be fun to go the party in celebration of the release of the newest book in the series. I never went to any midnight release kind of party like this when I was a kid. In fact, I'm not sure there were any for me to attend. They'll have Wizard Chess, Sword Swallowing, a Potions Lab, Prof. Trelawney's Fortune Telling, and "much more". Someday I will turn into a curmudgeon like my old man so I should probably see what the next generation of geeks who will succeed me is like before I hide myself away from the world.

I have a question for any Potter fans who may be reading this: I see that folks in the UK get Adult and Children's versions of the novels - do we get them here in the US? Can anyone speak to the differences between the US & UK versions? I know that the first book is properly entitled, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and American children are too stupid and/or unwilling to have anything to do with a book that has the word "philosopher" in its title, but how are the books changed for American consumption? Is it merely replacing "lift" with "elevator" and that kind of stuff?

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