15 June, 2005

Religious News

The son of a well-known atheist activist is charging that he was denied a job because of his father's reputation.

The son of a well-known atheist said the school district that hired him rescinded their job offer because of who his father is, and their perception of his beliefs.

Richard Sherman, who is just out of college, thought he had a job lined up as a teacher in April at Schaumburg High School, and said he even signed a contract last Wednesday.

But on Monday morning, Sherman, who is the son of well-known atheist Rob Sherman, said school district officials told him he would not get the job after all, NBC5's Phil Rogers reported on Thursday.

In other news, some folks who are close to God are apparently abandoning their sons so that the old duffs can hit their quota of wives to get into heaven.

Up to 1,000 teenage boys have been separated from their parents and thrown out of their communities by a polygamous sect to make more young women available for older men, Utah officials claim.


The 10,000-strong FLDS, which broke away from the Mormon church in 1890 when the mainstream faith disavowed polygamy, believes a man must marry at least three women to go to heaven. The sect appeared to be in turmoil yesterday, after its assets were frozen last week and a warrant was issued in Arizona on Friday for the arrest of its autocratic leader, Warren Jeffs, for arranging a wedding between an underage girl and a 28-year-old man who was already married.

I've got an easier solution. The older guys who are casting out the younger ones can marry their requisite 3 women. Once they do, they can go jump off cliffs and get to heaven. Then their widows can leave that church get the fuck out of Utah!

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