26 June, 2005

Weekend Draws to a Close

As is obvious from my previous post, I spent the bulk of yesterday on Lake Mendota. Afterwards we headed over to the White House and had dinner. For some reason, I was craving a slab of beef and they delivered! Prime rib & shrimp. Today I ran a couple errands and did some shopping. I ended up making rum-drenched pork chops with pineapple salsa. It all turned out pretty well considering Carribean cooking is not my speciality.

I hope to have a live music podcast up soon. I've acquired webhosting services and am now waiting for the DNS servers to refresh so I can actually start uploading files. I horked an RSS file from someone & modified it and have 2 shows in the can. It's going to be called Up the Downstair and hope to podcast weekly with a second show thrown in during the odd week. The first show will feature Son Volt. A few of their older tunes followed by a good chunk of a show from March of this year featuring all new songs on the yet-to-be-released Okemah and the Melody of Riot. The second show I've got was something I threw together after having read the news. While making the Son Volt show, I quickly discovered that I can't stand the sound of my own voice so I'm working on minimizing my talking. I'm also struggling with copyrighted material. I've got some ideas for bits to go in between songs for shows that that don't have music culled from one source. While I have some stuff that (I presume) is public domain, such as speeches by Winston Churchill, a few bits definitely aren't. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully I won't need a good IP lawyer. The big decision right now is whether or not to create a webpage or just create another blog. I know very little HTML and have never built a webpage before, even with a WYSIWYG editor, so this should be amusing.

Today was rather weird. I've been extremely horny for most of it and could have passed for the guy a cell or two down from Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs. Also, today I got some quality TV viewing in. I watched a couple episodes of Doctor Who. "Boom Town", the 11th episode of the season, continued a storyline from episode 5. Then I watched "Bad Wolf". Oh. my. fuck. It was really intense and sent shivers down my spine once the bad guys were revealed. The show was fun in and of itself but what was really cool was how it clued me in on a season-long story arch of which I wasn't even aware. All that's left now is for me to watch the season finale and I'm quite excited. I've just gotta do some burning. You see, now I can actually burn video DVDs instead of only being able to make data DVDs with the video files on them. My menus are the cheesiest around, let me assure you. The upshot of all this is that I can watch Doctor Who on my 52" big screen TV.

Along similar sci-fi lines, I listened to "The Passenger", the first episode of the new Sapphire and Steel audio drama. Curiously enough, my brother had the entire TV series on DVD when I was at his place last weekend. It was quite good although I'm still getting used to it. I am debating as to whether to find some background info on the series because some of it was confusing or, at least, open-ended. There was really very little in the way of introductory material like for what organization the characters worked or any background on them whatsoever. It just starts with Sapphire and Steel on this train and we slowly learn about the passengers and the train itself. Kinda reminded me of The Exorcist in the way that you're just plunged into events in media res. The story involves our intrepid heroes on a train with a passenger who has no idea who he is or where he is. And Sapphire can detect that it's a different time in each compartment. And who is the "girl" wandering about looking for her father? There are some pretty spooky scenes, lemme tell ya.

Well, I'm going to queue up an episode of Space 1889 and ready for bed. I'm highly un-looking forward to work tomorrow.

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