21 June, 2005

Women's Brains Stop

Some inquiring scientists in Denmark have shown that a part of the brain turns off when women have an orgasm.

New research indicates parts of the brain that govern fear and anxiety are switched off when a woman is having an orgasm but remain active if she is faking.


When women faked orgasm, the cortex, the part of the brain governing conscious action, lit up. It was not activated during a genuine orgasm.

We men were not able to be poked, prodded and measured so well:

Holstege said he had trouble getting reliable results from the study on men because the scanner needs activities lasting at least two minutes and the men's climaxes didn't last that long. However, the scans did show activation of reward centers in the brain for men, but not for women.

I'm surprised no one has commented elsewhere that men's brains are always turned off or some such thing. Now, whether or not women's orgasms are an evolutionary advantage or happy accident is interesting but what I wanna know is why men's orgasms are so short but women's last long enough for their brains to be scanned. We definitely need better scanners and more tantric advice for men on prolonging them.

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