06 September, 2005


This is making me hungry.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Oh, this reminds me of a very vivid series of nightmares I had a few years ago. It was of wandering a marketplace in a big city at night, nothing very specific happened until the end of the dream which would always be in the same place, a meat market where the back cases (so much like the one's behind the artist in the picture) were filled with human body parts: a man's torso, covered with thick black hair, a woman's breast, split in two like a chicken breast and stacked together. The shop was cold from all the refrigerated cases and the corridor narrow with a floor made of wooden slats... it would fill me with a combination of dread and fascination to walk in there.

    I'm shivering just remembering the dream.

    The D
