29 December, 2005

A Christmas Invasion

On Tuesday night, The Dulcinea and I watched the latest Doctor Who episode, The Christmas Invasion. Although the new Doctor was shown in a brief hoolie that was shown as part of benefit for charity last month, this was his first full-length episode. The TARDIS lands on earth in the present and on Christmas Eve. And of course there's bad stuff happening.

Firstly, there's this matter of the Doctor's regeneration. As with previous Doctors, it doesn't exactly go smoothly.

And then add in some Father Christmases who are a bit shady.

To top things off, there's this nasty race called the Sycorax who want the earth for themselves.

On the bright side, Harriet Jones returns and now she's Prime Minister!

Rose takes the lead for much of the story as the Doctor isn't doing so well and is bed ridden. Of course he springs to life at the end to save the earth, though. There's a bit of a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy tribute going on as the Doctor is dressed in pajamas and bath robe most of the time ala Arthur Dent. He even finds the pockets of the robe to contain various fruit just as Arthur's robe, in one version of Hitchhiker's, contains various odds'n'ends.

Tennant's Doctor, as my friend Mary pointed out, is a bit like Peter Davison's - the 5th, in that "he's got that youngish vulnerability thing going." But he's also got the brash side of the Doctor that Tom and Colin Baker brought to the role. There's a scene at the end where he's picking out his new outfit from the TARDIS wardrobe. The presence of a Hawaiian shirt amused me. I rather like the attire he chose. It's not Edwardian but it's also not hip 21st century garb. I think the new season starts in March. Only 3ish months to go!

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