01 December, 2005

From the Land of Cheese

Having been out of town for the past few days, I took some time this morning to check out the news from Madison. Snow seemed to be the lead story everywhere. Why this gets so much play is beyond me. It snows here every year around this time so you'd think that people would be used to it by now.

I also found that one of our U.S. Senators, Russ Feingold, will probably run for President:

On one of the Sunday morning talk shows Feingold was asked if the chances of him running for president were better than one in 100.

He countered saying, "They're better than that."

"I think it's something you have to evaluate at the time," said Feingold. "But I do think one thing we can all agree upon is that this country is overdue for a cheese head president. We've never had one."

Can you imagine if Russ got elected? You can bet your sweet ass that Fort McCoy wouldn't be closed. Would the cheese lobby suddenly become a leviathan meddling with our political system? Cheesegate. Cheese for hostages. The Cheddar Scandal.

Russ For President.

In the past week, there have been two robberies/sexual assaults on a bike path here in Madison. The police have a suspect - a 13 year-old boy. What happened with this kid? If guilty, his victims ought to be given ample opportunity to throw brickbats at his newly-activated nutsack.

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