09 December, 2005

Update, of Sorts

I haven't been writing too much here lately – been busy. I've meant to play catch-up but have never really found the time. What have I done lately?

Well, I made plum kolacky last month:

Needless to say, they were quite tasty. I also made jalapeno jelly – probably in October when it was still warm and our pepper plants didn't realize it was nearly autumn.

I spent Thanksgiving in Chicago with the family. It feels odd that family gatherings are attended by less and less people each year. My grandmother turned 90 this year but, unsurprisingly, has health problems. She's been in and out of the hospital with various problems – the flu, fluid in the longs, et al. It makes me not want to grow old. And so it was heartening to hear and see her laugh on Thanksgiving. We were at my aunt's place (she too has some health problems). I was lying on the floor and my grandma pointed out that my argyle socks were so worn on the soles, that there were holes. She just laughed and I couldn't help but laugh myself – it was contagious. I feel bad for my mother. On top of having a mother and sister who have health problems, she has a large role in taking care of them. She stays with my grandma after she's been released from the hospital and also has a large role in helping with my aunt's situation. My aunt had a tumor removed from her brain. While she recovered, she has poor balance. I've seen her stumble & fall more than once and it breaks my heart just thinking about it.

While I was in ChiTown, my mom and I took in a showing of Mary Poppins. The Music Box Theatre was packed! Oodles and oodles of parents had brought their kids. Considering this, the audience was well-behaved. It was an interactive showing and movie-goers were given a bag of goodies upon entering. You got one of the those pop bottles hoolies for the scenes when Admiral Boom set off the cannon. And there was a chocolate coin for the Two Pence scene. Let's see...there was a Pixie Stick for the "Spoonful of Sugar" routine. Well, you get the picture. For my part, I thought Julie Andrews was just plain hot! Oh yeah, I would soooo have schtupped her in 1964.

Also while in Chicago, I got to see some of Tom Sizemore's homemade porno videos that he made with various hookers. Aside from learning that he really liked to give rimjobs, I got a good laugh. At one point, he spoke to the camera and bad-mouthed the LAPD. Then he said, "Yeah, I shit on her. But only because she asked me to!" Ah, to be a Hollywood star…

The Dulcinea and I went to see the Mad Rollin' Dolls, our local roller derby team, last weekend. She'd won tickets so we spent Saturday night out at the roller derby. I'd never watched the sport before (and neither had she) so it took a while for us to figure out the rules and scoring. But figure it out we did. It was snowing and the roads were crappy so I refrained from the PBR silos that were being sold. Despite the sobriety, it was a blast. How can you go wrong with a bunch of hotties in short skirts skating around in circles elbowing each other?

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