28 December, 2005

Waiting Is the Hardest Part

Perhaps some of you remember the Frontline episode from earlier this year called "The Last Abortion Clinic". The program detailed the assault on abortion rights since the Supreme Court ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey in 1992 and profiled the lone clinic in whole of Mississippi where women can obtain an abortion.

And now the Jackson Women's Health Organization is awaiting word on its license renewal.

Mississippi's only remaining abortion clinic is waiting to hear if health officials will approve its license to meet ambulatory surgical standards.

Unless the clinic gains the certification, it will be illegal for the clinic to perform abortions beyond the first trimester.

I guess I'm just a pessimist because I highly suspect that the clinic will be closing its doors within a few years. Letting the South secede has, to my mind, become a much more viable option since Bush got into office.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I can't imagine that - We were fortunate, huh, to live in the same city as an abortion provider. The stupid 24-hour waiting period/two visit thing didn't affect us that much. This kind of stuff just makes me so mad - so mad I get sort of numb and burny feeling at the same time, like I might explode. I have no patience for these people who don't believe in freedom for women to choose what to do with their bodies.

    Fuck em.

    - The D
