11 January, 2006

Ussher's Bulldogs At It Again

As a follow-up to my post from yesterday on Richard Dawkins, I would like to direct readers to a scary situation in California. PZ over at Pharyngula has weighed in. Now that "Intelligent Design" has been thrown out of biology classrooms, Ussher's Bulldogs are now trying to get their bullshit taught in philosophy courses. As PZ remarks:

Oh. So "philosophy" is the new dumping ground, the subject with no serious content, the one where you can safely present any ol' garbage and it still fits? Like the colloquial definition of "theory" (any guess), I suppose the new definition of "philosophy" is "idiots babbling".

The kicker here is that the course will be taught by a teacher who has no qualifications in biology, geology, nor philosophy. Instead, she has B.A.s in Physical Education and, Social Science. The obligatory lawsuit has been filed.

This is exactly why people like Dawkins who will not take shit and will shove truth down the throats of bullshitters are needed. Sitting around in your drawing room writing articles on fossils will not stop the relentless assaults by IDiots seeking to inculcate children with their superstitious crap.

I also want to to point out that there's another good interview with Darwin's Rottweiler up Beliefnet entitled "The Problem With God". In addition to the text of the interview, there's links to some audio clips from a speech of his.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    The kicker here is that the course will be taught by a teacher who has no qualifications in biology, geology, nor philosophy. Instead, she has B.A.s in Physical Education and, Social Science.

    This reminds me of a joke from School of Rock: "Those who can't do, teach, and those who can't teach, teach gym."

    And, apparently, Intelligent Design.

    The D
