03 February, 2006

Having Your Cake

I just finished blathering on about the great offense taken by many Muslims to caricatures of Mohammed published first in a Danish newspaper and then by other publications in Europe and elsewhere. Yet anti-Semitism in the Arab media is rampant. Just head on over to Anti-Defamation League webpage for examples. Today you'll find this cartoon:

As the Islamic world reacted with anger to caricatures of Muhammad in a Danish newspaper, this cartoon claimed the controversy was a result of "The Penetration of Zionism to Denmark." The cheese, shaped like a Star of David, is labeled "Danish products." The text on the far left reads, "Boycott it!"

Many Arabs violently proclaim to the world that there's something rotten in Denmark but they also give their own media a pass on racist bullshit such as above. Is anyone really surprised that the Jews get dragged into this?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The ADL are a bunch of mooks. But I see your point.

    The D
