22 August, 2006

GenCon '06: Finale

Sunday was the final day of the con and, when it rolled around, it came all too soon. Not only would the con be over but I'd have to return to work. Blah! I spent part of the morning with Andrew checking out some winners of the miniatures painting contest. (I really need help with my macro-photography.)

We also wandered through the miniatures hall and found this funky dragon.

A final stroll through the vending area led us to this hottie who had taken over from the orange gal in hawking the Cthulhu Live LARP.

But she's not just another pretty face – she actually plays the game too. I found out that her name is Emily Harris and you can read more about her LARPing at her homepage.

We went from the convention center across the street to the Westin for the Gothic Lolita Fashion Show. Unfortunately, the room it was to be held in was in the middle of a bit of anime so we just presumed that the fashion show had been called off. This is quite a shame as there were some hotties running around peeking into the room hoping to attend or be a part of the show. Among them was this gal:

Across the hall from us was this guy.

It got towards 11:30 my party was getting ready to head back home. I wandered outside with Carl and Andrew for one last smoky treat. As Andy bounded out the door he realized that he'd lost his Settlers of Catan ribbons. He'd had them glued to his badge but they had mysteriously disappeared. (I can't remember if he had the "Wood for Sheep" ribbon or whether Charles bought that from a vendor.) Back at our hotel, I saw Randalf sans costume and found that the gray hair and beard were all real. On a sadder note, there was some guy by the elevator with tears in his eyes. I didn't catch what had happened exactly but it was something to do with a bunch of stuff having gone missing or stolen. Bummer. The drive back allowed me to catch a bit of a nap as well as to spy the Arkham Horror Expansion Set which James bought and will be put into action next week. I'm thinking that our band of investigators is in deep doo-doo.

So, what did I miss? Well, a country ton of stuff. Firstly there was the CoC game, "The Poetics of Violent Death". The GM is actually from Madison and someone who did play the game described it thusly: "That was the sickest Call of Cthulhu game I've ever played in." D'oh! The scenario is based on the book Dark Shamans: Kanaima and the Poetics of Violent Death by Neil L. Whitehead, a professor of anthropology – again, here in Madison. The GM had this to say about the practice:

Essentially, practitioners of kanaima stalk and kill other humans in order to ritually prepare them so their cadavers can produce what kanaima practitioners call "maba," which is the food their god, Makunaima, whose name means 'great evil,' demands of them.

Fuck! That would have been an awesome game!

Another thing that I didn't check out was the manga room. I've never read any manga and there was a room full of the stuff there for people to check out. Everytime I got to Westfield Comics here in town I just blithely look over to the part of the store that has the shelves of manga. It's one of those things that I've wanted to check into but never have and the manga room would have been perfect.

I'd also hoped to check out a screening of The Gamers: Dorkness Rising but the lines were heinously long. I did, however, catch the last half hour or so of Gamers, a fan film that was done on 35mm and featured some actual Hollywood folk such as John Heard, Kelly LeBrock, William Katt, and Beverly D'Angelo. While the film received a lot of raves, I found it overly crude. Don't get wrong, there were some funny parts but, overall, I thought there were too many jokes that were the Three Stooges plus scatology or sex.

Mr. Katt was at the con for autograph signing and the like but I didn't pay to see any of the actors. However, I will say that it might have been worth it to cuddle up next to Gigi Edgley who played Chiana on Farscape. She looked hot! Poor gal – she probably had to suffer a lot of sweaty guys who didn't bother to shower all weekend.

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to make it next year. With my roommates getting married in Mexico so all the guests have to shell out a lot of cash, I don't foresee myself being able to swing the con and the wedding. Why the roomies don't get married here and honeymoon down by the equator is something I'm still pondering.

Next year it's to be held on 16-19 August.

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