19 September, 2006

Discovering the Peg of Damocles

After Corn Days, I dropped Miles off at his father's, The Dulcinea at her place, and then went home. I opted to take a nap before she and I went out again that night to Mistress Rena's place. Apparently she, Gray, and others of their kinky company were none too impressed with the Bondage Ball being held at The Inferno so an informal get together at Rena's was planned as an alternative. The plan was to watch a DVD or two of Osada Steve in action and just let things go where they may. Osada Steve, if you're wondering, is a shibari expert. If there's a title for this, I am unaware of it.

The Dulcinea and I arrived around 9. B & B from our erotic writing group were there in addition to Gray and his wife. I got to meet Rena's significant other for the first time plus there were a few ladies and a gentleman who were not part of the writing group and whom we'd never met before. People were generally attired in black with B and Rena being notable exceptions. B had a schoolgirl outfit on while Rena looked fantastic clad in a robe with a corset or bustier hoolie pushing up her large breasts.

Not having fully woken up from my nap, I forgot to bring some homebrew (it as BYOB) and my camera. You see, The Dulcinea was keen on having Gray tie her up and this of course had to be documented for posterity. We stopped at a gas station on the way there and I bought some soda and lemonade as I felt like, if I brought some beer, I'd drink all of it. That's one of the lingering effects of having been an alcoholic - it's hard to have just one. I decided that retaining some sobriety would be a good idea since I would be with people whom I barely know and probably others I didn't. Besides, The Dulcinea brought a bottle of wine.

We gathered ourselves together before a big screen and Josh, who was upstairs playing multimedia guru, started the first DVD. Osada Steve is a tall, long-haried German who, Gray explained, moved to Japan a couple decades ago to practice shibari. His performances were quite neat. His model was an extremely slender, yet very muscular, Japanese woman. Steve tied her up, suspended her, and swung her about with the greatest of ease. Even if bondage holds no interest for you, one had to be impressed with his great skill. One also had to be impressed with the model who found herself in some positions which had to be extremely uncomfortable. Obviously many of the positions were not the result merely of the ropes holding her but also of her ability to hold her limbs and the rest of her body in shapes that seem unnatural to most mortals.

At one point, I bent down to grab my Coke and, upon looking up, I noticed something off to my right, namely, labia. A woman had appeared from another room wearing only a modicum of bondage tape. The black tape contrasted sharply with her pale skin. A single strip was wound around her chest and a garter belt made of the tape was all that covered her. On the one hand, I wasn't expecting it because no one else was in a state of undress yet, on the other, it seemed perfectly natural considering there was a bondage video playing and we were in the home of a dominatrix.

With a few of Osada Steve's performances under our belts, folks began to wander off. I didn't notice at first but, upon hearing the moans of a woman coming from an adjacent room, it became quite apparent. I think that Gray was getting a bit excited because he got up from the couch in front of the screen and grabbed a black case. Opening it revealed a whole lotta rope. Next thing I know, The Dulcinea is taking off her shirt and skirt until she is down to a one-piece slip. And then Gray got to work.

I sat on a chair and would alternately watch a bit of the video and then Gray doing his thing. As it progressed, I took to a different seat in order to give him more room. It was fun to watch as The Dulcinea was obviously enjoying herself. Seeing Gray ply his trade made me wish I could do with rope as he can. Then it struck me. I'm not sure what thought it was or what led to it but I then felt really jealous. I've been jealous before. I mean jealous to the point of almost hitting a girlfriend so I was disconcerted. So I leaned back in my seat and took a sip of wine. About a minute later, my mind shot back into phase and all was well again.

When he was done, Gray handed me a vibrator which I would trace along the ropes for her pleasure. The thing immediately broke. Not to fear though, as the odds of finding another vibrator there were as good as finding roach clip in the young Bill Clinton's dorm room. When another one was laid in my hand, I set to work. I presume it felt quite good to have the vibrations set to work on her skin via the rope based on The Dulcinea's facial expressions and sighs.

As I was doing this, the woman whose moans I'd heard earlier emerged clothed but with some fresh hickeys. At one point I heard some slapping and turned around to see B spanking B, who was on his lap.

With rope round one over, Gray started in on number two with The Dulcinea. This time he would use flax rope which is quite stinky. He bound her at the knees and his tie involved the use of a big wooden crocheting needle. It was precariously placed just beneath her ass so the act of sitting would have to be done with the utmost care. I referred to it as the Peg of Damocles. When he was finished, The Dulcinea wandered around a bit enjoying the feeling of restraint. Now free, Gray restrained the young woman clad only in bondage tape as a spanking was administered. After this, Mistress Rena brought out a blade and engaged in a little knife play. Other than dragging it across the woman's skin and cutting the tape, I'm not totally sure what it entailed. Whatever the case, the woman (an aspiring bondage model) seemed to have enjoyed it later as she was putting her clothes back on.

The festivites ended around midnight. I know The Dulcinea had a great time and, while I had a good time, I suspect I would have enjoyed it more had I actually not been so sleepy. It was apparent that The Dulcinea has gotten to know my fellow erotic writers more than myself. I guess it helps to have a LiveJournal as do some of our fellow writers. Everyone can then make her a Friend and she them. So it goes, I guess.

A last addendum here. The Osada Steve Drinking Game was born that night and here are the rules as per Graydancer:

Take a drink of your beverage whenever:

~~~Osada Steve makes the model swing back and forth
~~~Osada Steve tosses a rope away
~~~A song from Moulin Rouge comes on
~~~You must be drinking for the entire duration of oral sex being performed on the model
~~~You must be drinking whenever Osada Steve is exposing the models pussy – but have two fingers in your glass as you drink it down

In addition:

~~~You must drink a shot of hard liquor whenever Osada Steve spins his model
~~~Any time the stage begins to rotate, you must pass whatever you're drinking to the person on your left.

So there ya go.

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