16 September, 2006

Neko's Second Visit to Madtown

Last Saturday I had the company of my old friend Miss Pamela and her daughter Neko. Pam drove over from Milwaukee to meet up with her parents who were in town for the Farmer's Market. It was a chilly, overcast day and, while I felt like sleeping in, I had to get up as Pam would be at my door soon. She arrived around 9 followed by The Dulcinea. A change of diapers and we headed down to the Square. The joint was rockin'. Not only was the Farmer's Market in full swing, but there were also lots of people floating around for the Ironman competition being held that weekend. We went to the corner of State and Carroll to look for Pam's parents but couldn't find them. So The Dulcinea and I grabbed some coffee and grabbed a seat on the Capitol steps to wait with Pam for her parents to come around.

Her mom, Gloria, was the first one we found. Pam introduced The Dulcinea to her. Gloria looked over to me and said, "I know him." The Dulcinea accompanied Pam inside to feed Neko which left me in Gloria's company to wait around for the rest of the party. In addition to Pam's parents, a couple friends of the family had come down as well. We chatted for a bit before everyone was located. She told me about my old neighborhood up nort by Eau Claire. There were some new houses and new faces while others hadn't changed at all. It's been well over three years since I set foot up there in the old hood. It was a bit odd to be having the conversation with her as, during high school, it was hard not to get the impression that she didn't like me. Well, that she didn't like any of the boys in the neighborhood. I guess she thought that we were all coveting her daughter and I suppose she'd be right. But now, nearly 20 years later, things were quite different and we had a nice conversation. As our party gathered, Pam's father, John, showed up. John was always nice to me and he seemed almost excited to see me. He seemed shorter than I remember. Certainly thinner. Not running a farm anymore and, well, getting older, he looked more frail. We did a lap around the market before Pam, Neko, The Dulcinea, and I were left to our own devices. The Dulcinea had to be dropped off to get her kids so Pam and I headed back to my place to freshen up before heading out again.

We grabbed a bite to eat at Monty's Blue Plate and it must be admitted that we made gluttons of ourselves starting with the chocolate malts. She and I are both chocoholics so we couldn't resist walking across the street to Gail Ambrosius' new location. There were several people in line and I probably started drooling when the display case caught my eyes.

There our bounty. I'm completely in love with the chocolates that are dusted with cinnamon and cayenne pepper. And those gold-bellied Buddhas are really great too.

Drowning in chocolate bliss, we headed to Middleton to enjoy the first barrels of Autumnal Fire at Capital Brewery. While it was chilly out, the AF helped warm us up.

With the beer providing comfort for us, Neko was bundled in her pink blanket. Being a native Wisconsonian, Pam likes her beer. She also read a few months ago that certain types of beer increase milk production so I think she's testing out that theory.

During out travels, Pam mentioned that she'd like to move to Madison but that there really wasn't much work in her field here. (Her field being clothing design.) I found this odd as I know she likes Milwaukee and has lived there for 15+ years. I didn't think she really thought that much of Madison. And her hubby's family lives in the area. Perhaps having a child has changed things – I dunno. I have to admit it would be fun if they did move here but I can't see that happening. However, Pam's brother Bill will be moving to Madison at the end of this month. Hopefully I won't have to assist in moving but I did make the offer to him. Playing tour guide could be fun, though.

After a couple beers, we left the bier garden as Pam had to head home. The Dulcinea and I will definitely have to make a trip to Milwaukee soon.

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