01 January, 2007

Headlong into 2007

With the first day of 2007 upon us, I wanted to note some things to which we can look forward to in this new year. And so, in no particular order…

The Intellectual Devotional. The Dulcinea gave it to me for Xmas. Christians have their devotionals of prayers and pithy Biblical phrases and now we non-religious folks have our own devotional. One tender nugget of knowledge a day for 365 days from one of seven areas: history, literature, philosophy, mathematics and science, religion, fine arts, and music.

Construction. Section 3 of the East Wash reconstruction project will be this year. This is from 3rd Street to Highway 30. There will also be tons of construction on campus: the new Ogg Hall (which will still suck like the old one), the addition to Grainger Hall, the new University Square, an expansion and remodeling of the Mechanical Engineering Building, a new Microbial Sciences Building, and the Interdisciplinary Research Center near UW Hospital and Clinics. Also, look for fundraising to continue for the expansion of the Chazen and designs for the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery to be made public. Plus, of course, there will be more condos.

More Indian restaurants.

Sundance 608. Robert Redford is blessing Madison with the first Sundance Cinema. The net addition of 4 art house screens will be a boon for cinephiles like myself.

The third season of the new Doctor Who. David Tennant returns for his second year as the coolest Timelord since cryogenics. We can also look forward to another season of Torchwood, the Doctor Who spin-off.

More books taking on religion. Christopher Hitchens is entering the fray with God Is Not Great: Why Religion Poisons Everything. Steven Pinker will bring us The Stuff of Thought: Human Ideas and Where They Come From and, though it doesn't seem to be a strict attack on religion, I'm sure it will take no quarter when it comes to faith.

My roommates are getting married!

After a 12-week hiatus, LOST continues its 3rd season.

On the music side of things, there will be new albums by Porcupine Tree and Son Volt. Plus the reunited 3-man version of Genesis will again tour.

Cinema shows. Each year brings some much-anticipated films for me, as you can see from the sidebar. The ones I can't wait for? Rescue Dawn by Werner Herzog, Tideland by Terry Gilliam, and Inland Empire by David Lynch.

The Blue Man Group's "How To Be a Megastar" rock show will be coming to Madison.

Gaming. I started gaming on alternate Tuesdays this year but hope to get back into a regular RPG soon. I might just have to start a Call of Cthulhu campaign and make some investigator go insane.

New Glarus beer. The expansion of the brewery is slated to be finished in the autumn and that means a funky Old World-looking facility for quaffing.

I got a new mortar & pestle for Xmas so I shall have to concoct something tasty that requires things to be mashed up good.

A new TV. My old 52" rear projection screen TV died a little over a week ago and the TV fix-it guy quoted me $435 to install a new sweep module. It's just not worth trying to keep an old piece of electronics going. Best to be rid of it and start anew. To that end, Stevie and I are contemplating going in on a new big screen tele. But we're going to wait until after the Super Bowl when TV prices supposedly go down.

Visit my father's grave. His ashes are buried in Iowa so I think a spring trip is in order. There's a headstone now so it'll be all fancy.

Sex and more erotic writing.

Cooking medieval Polish food.

Con of the North.

Kith and kin.

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