05 January, 2007

LOST Returns Next Month

LOST returns from its hiatus next month on the 7th. ABC has been releasing a series of "LOST Moments" - 30 second clips from upcoming episodes. There are 8 so far:


While the clips don't give anything away, they do a good job of introducing the conflicts we'll be seeing. Plus Cindy the Stewardess returns! Probably the most interesting of the bunch features Charlie and Desmond. We enter the action in media res with the pair on the beach when Charlie calls Desmond, who is walking away from him, a coward. Desmond rushes Charlie and tackles him. He then says something like, "You don't understand what happened when I turned that key!" What we know is that Desmond turned the key to activate the Swan hatch's failsafe mechanism, woke up naked in jungle, and now has precognitive abilities. That and that all that's left of the Swan is a hole in the ground. Desmond's precognition is apparently not a newfound ability but rather rediscovered. I suspect that this part of the story will be fairly important because, of all the Losties, Des is the only one with a tangible connection to the outside world - Penelope.

I'm also looking forward to the Losties meeting up with Joey Eye-Patch. He seems creepy enough and will no doubt have some good tales to tell. And we'll be introduced to another character named after an 18th century philosopher - Edmund Burke. If all of this and learning about The Others just isn't enough, Hurley apparently will find a junked car on the island. Oh, and The Others have a submarine. Presumably next season someone will find the remains of a monorail.

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