05 January, 2007

What Have I Ever Done to Bill Lueders?

Dag gum! There's a story in the new Isthmus about how Capital Newspapers is planning on launching a new free weekly. Dane101 has the details. In the article, Bill Lueders says: "This 'Post' page is a compilation of mostly unimpressive blogs by area writers." I then realized that Fearful Symmetries is listed there.

OK, OK. Yeah, this blog is unimpressive. The folks at Post didn't approach me to contribute to the paper version. But why does Bill have to tell everyone? I gave his latest book a good review. What have I ever done to him?


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    He is referring to the blogs published on the company's site, not every local blog listed in their directory.

  2. Thanks for spoiling my persecution complex. I haven't read the article in its entirety, just the blurb up at Dane101.

  3. Shane - thanks for your comment. We shall see what becomes of this venture.
