27 March, 2007

Ann Althouse: Why Don't They Like Me?

Here's local blogger Ann Althouse getting her knickers in a bunch about those evil liberal bloggers. I shudder to think what she'd say to me if I were to be critical of her comments about the The Byrds/Jefferson Airplane song "Triad".

Find more info/links here.

I'd like to point out the following transcription from one of Althouse's podcasts which I found at Lawyers, Guns, and Money in which she discusses the controversy:

No why they brought this woman in the woman with the breasts all over her blog [sic], I don't know....now, obviously, you could come up with a theory that Clinton actually wanted to meet her....I think her blog has a lot less traffic than the other bloggers, and the name of her blog is "Feministing," which I think is pretty clearly a portmanteau word combines the words "feminist" and "fisting," (!) so it's a graphic sexual image. And then there are all these breast images on the blog too [sic]. I don't really know why you would want to bring that in and connect it up with Clinton. I mean, the sort of Occam's Razor, the simplest explanation, is that Clinton actually wanted to meet this woman.

I suspect Althouse's little bout of etymological tomfoolery here is more indicative of her mindset than the creator of the name "Feministing". Am I alone in thinking of the word as a gerund? OK, hand's up - who here sees the title "Feministing" and immediately thinks of fisting?

Is what we witnessed here the full-out punitive mode that victimologists lapse into if they fail to buy into victimology? To be fair, it makes some sense. It's sort of like: Don't believe in victims? I'll show you how it feels to be a victim! So, Althouse can't very well cry "poor me," can she? It would be conceding the (crazy) argument.


Also from the aforementioned Audible Althouse #65:

Getting trashed is leverage into becoming more prominent...But the fact is that, if people decide to slam you and fight back, you shouldn't get too mad. You should accept that as part of a process that makes you more prominent.


  1. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Triad is a Crosby Stills and Nash (and young?) song. David Crosby's heartfelt tribute to the "open" relationship and menage a trois.

    She does seem bat-shit insane though.

  2. Crosby wrote "Triad" for The Notorious Byrd Brothers and it was recorded by The Byrds during those sessions in 1968. It's on their box set and is a bonus track on the reissue of the album.

  3. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Curse you box set buying completist!!
    I only know the song from 4 Way Street the CSNY live album :(

  4. Anonymous3:22 PM

    arch stanton beat me to the "bat shit insane" Althouse comment. Yeah, She Crazy.

    Worse, she believes (as so many of her ilk do) her own crazy, says she is Rational, and keeps a straight face when being a big stinking hypocrite.

    The D

  5. Curse me?! Curse you!

    I dunno if she's insane or not. But it seems like she is taking her prominence a bit too seriously.
