03 April, 2007

Godless Goodness

Newsweek has debate between Sam Harris and Rick Warren. I found it interesting that, after blathering on about talking to Yahweh on a quotidian basis and seeing Yahweh everywhere, Warren brings it all down to Pascal's Wager:

We're both betting. He's betting his life that he's right. I'm betting my life that Jesus was not a liar. When we die, if he's right, I've lost nothing. If I'm right, he's lost everything. I'm not willing to make that gamble.

In order to help your youngin's grow up to be good reasonable godless heathens, may I suggest pre-ordering Richard Dawkins' latest DVD, Growing Up in the Universe. The DVD is a series of lectures that Dawkins gave in 1991 to schoolkids and Douglas Adams even showed up as a special guest. Here's the trailer:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:38 PM

    That's such a silly notion. If I'm 'wrong', and my consciousness doesn't end with the death of my body, I'm pretty sure the first words out of my disembodied mouth will be "Oh Shit!", but not because I have "lost" anything. Because I will be very, very surprised.

    The D, once again.
