12 June, 2007

Geeky Latin Salutatory Address @ Harvard Graduation

I mean, doing anything in Latin is geeky enough, but to talk about Star Wars in a dead language is über-geeky. From Slashdot:

"Harvard University celebrated its 356th Commencement on Thursday. It is tradition at Harvard is to have an undergraduate deliver a Latin Salutatory address. This year's speaker, Charles Joseph McNamara, delivered an address all about Star Wars in Latin!"


  1. Audio version of Charlie McNamara's Latin Salutatory Address for the Harvard 2007 commencement is available for download in mp3 format on the Latinum podcast:

    You'll find it in the 'entertainment' section.

  2. Thanks for the link. I never knew about the podcast and I'm looking forward to checking it out as I had 8 years of Latin in grammar/high school & college.
