05 July, 2007

Coming Soon: Rescue Dawn

Being a big fan of Werner Herzog, I am looking forward to his latest film, Rescue Dawn . A review of the film appears today up at Salon. It will open here in Madison at Sundance on the 20th of this month. While I'm at it, I'll mention that the Sundance site has been updated to include a list of films on the horizon. Here's what to look forward to this month:

July 6 - Paprika
July 13 - Brooklyn Rules
July 20 - Introducing the Dwights (aka Clubland), Rescue Dawn
July 27 - Talk to Me

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Yay, Paprika!
    I am trying to warm up to Sundance, because they are going to play some great films, and that, in the end, is what is important. Great Films.

    Also, when I get a laptop, I'll use the hell out their free wi-fi.

    The D
