13 September, 2007


I've never heard so many smart people use the word "poo" in a half hour as I did after listening to this week's episode of Berkeley Groks, a science podcast. The topic was fecal science and featured an interview with Anish Sheth, M.D. and Josh Richman, the authors of What's Your Poo Telling You?

It was a fascinating, if odd, conversation. Take "poophoria". It's one of those poos that "is distinguished by the sense of euphoria and ecstasy that you feel throughout your body when this type of feces departs your system." And why is this, you ask? Let Dr. Stool explain:

The distention of the rectum that occurs with the passing of a large mass of stool causes the vagus nerve to fire. The net effect of this is a drop in your heart rate and blood pressure, which in turn decreases blood flow to the brain. When mild, the lightheadedness can lend a sense of sublime relaxation.

The authors spared us actual photos but they did include illustrations. For instance, here's the Deja Poo:

Listen to the podcast or read the book and you too can find out why corn is good for you and your poo.

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