07 March, 2008

I'll Pass on Depp - Give Me Dante

Holy biscuits! The local blogosphere is agog with reports of storefronts in Columbus being readied for filming and eager fans lining up to greet Johnny Depp. You'd think that Herr Fritzy was making a visit from Rome or something. I'm already sick of hearing about Public Enemies and filming hasn't even started. The worst part is that I can't escape it. Not only do I get to hear about it in the local media but also from my mother.

She called earlier in the week and was giddy with excitement. I asked what the good news was and she explained how a couple who are family friends and members of a Chicago-area vintage car collectors club may be lending some autos from their collection for filming in Chitown. The kicker was that, if they get invited to the set along with their car(s), they will take my mom along. The mere thought of being 100 feet away from a busy Mr. Depp sent my mom swooning. I could hear that she was as giddy as a schoolgirl.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to watch filming. However, my attention would be focused (ahem) on Dante Spinotti, the cinematographer. He shot L.A. Confidential and The Quick and the Dead so, in between sharing a joint with the gaffer, I'd be sneaking around listening to Spinotti bark orders at a Steadicam operator and making sure the lights are right. Speaking of which, I recently found this photo online:

These guys are where it's at.


  1. Absolutely agreed.

  2. Amen, sister. Since I work downtown now, I actually have a chance to catch any filming that may happen here.
