08 April, 2008

Richard Dawkins to Guest on Doctor Who

The new season of Doctor Who has begun! While I have a copy of the series premiere, I haven't watched it yet. (This cannot be said of The Dulcinea, however. Ahem.) The coming couple months should provide some fun viewing. In addition to a particular baddie returning to the series (will it be Field Major Styre's progeny?) making for a good time, I see that Richard Dawkins will be a guest in one episode.

The evolutionary biologist and best-selling author of The God Delusion will appear as a guest star in the new series of Doctor Who, which began last night. "People were falling at his feet," says Davies, creator of the BBC's flagship show. "We've had Kylie Minogue on that set, but it was Dawkins people were worshipping."


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Now Palmer, why do you always leave out the important bits like: "the Dulcinea had a request from her delightful son to watch the first episode of the season with her last night."?

    You leave out details which make me look good. Damn it, Man!

    Besides, I've saved the rest of the Torchwoods to watch with you. Give me *some* credit.

    The D
