12 August, 2008

I'm 150% Fashion

This is the look I get from my girlfriend, The Dulcinea, for being on the leading edge of fashion. People who know me and are reading this are no doubt guffawing but it's true. I'll prove it.

I was at the laundromat over the weekend - the one by Burrito Drive so it was full of hipsters who have an iPod ear bud in one ear and a Bluetooth cell phone ear piece in the other and drink PBR. I pulled some clothes out of a dryer and was folding them when a woman asked me if a sock lying on the floor was mine. Indeed it was.

"If it wasn't, I was going to look for the other one," she said. "Those are great socks."

See? My Kermit the Frog green argyle socks are the height of fashion.

So why I have to suffer looks as above has me buffaloed. The D's visage was prompted by another of my great sartorial practices:

The D says that only children and old duffs are allowed to wear suspenders and that no respectable gentleman in his mid-thirties should be caught dead in them. Why she thinks this is beyond me. I think they make me look rugged and this particular pair belonged to my dearly departed father. Suspenders keep my shorts from falling down and complement my farmer's tan.

So, dear reader, tell me: are suspenders not suitable fashion accessories for people of all ages in addition to being great at keeping one's trousers properly at the waist? Personally, I hope to start a trend. Just wait until sexy screen goddesses such as Uma Thurman and Jennifer Jason Leigh start wearing them and all you doubters out there will realize that I am actually on the bleeding edge of fashion.


  1. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I think ipod earbudding hipsters and kids of all ages would agree that Rainbow Suspenders are not rugged in any context.

    You do look very Robin Williams in Mork and Mindy with a touch of Gallager.

  2. I'll need to grow my hair out for the full Gallagher effect.

  3. Anonymous1:37 PM

    @ arch stanton: L.O.L.

    As far as the suspenders go Palmer, I still steadfastly maintain that you are too damn young for em. The fact that they belonged to your dad only strengthens my resolve on that point.

    But I still love you, natch. Like you said, I knew all about your sartorial (non)sense when we started dating.

    I just had no idea it would get to the suspender stage before I was nearing retirement age (no jokes about me being unemployed and therefore unable to retire).

    As for Uma and JJL wearing suspenders, until George Clooney, Brad Pitt, et al start wearing them, they will still be out of fashion for *you*

    The D.

  4. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I have a pair just like 'em. Just start doing some work around the house, e.g. plumbing, flashing some ass crack and then see if the suspenders aren't given a little more respect.

  5. Finally, a voice of reason in the comments section! There ya go, doll. It's either suspenders or ass crack - your choice.

  6. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Age is only in the mind. I am only 22, but rock my suspenders most days. they are soooo comfortable!!!
