15 August, 2008

Katjusa Cisar Shows a Little Love

Katjusa Cisar reviews Bottle Shock today at The Cap Times. After the less-than severe chastising I gave her for crediting the cinematography of Mister Lonely to the film's director instead of the cinematographer, I am pleased to read her latest review which contains this:

Cinematographer Michael J. Ozier uses a grainy, color-rich scheme that makes the screen as inviting as a glass of wine on a summer afternoon. When Spurrier bites into Kentucky Fried Chicken, you can practically smell the fried goodness.

Thank you, Ms. Cisar, for showing a little love for the cinematographer.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    i know Cisar from way back, though she "showed you love" i suspect it might be longer before she becomes anything more than a scenester chamelon.

  2. No, that love was for Michael J. Ozier, not me. I do not know Ms. Cisar but highly suspect that being a "scenester chameleon" is part of her job.
